Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blog 9: Inequality Undermines Democracy

         Even though the gap between the rich and the poor has grown tremendously over the past few decades, Americans don't seemed to be too concerned about it. Even the government doesn't seem to care too much, the United States does less than other rich countries to transfer income from the rich to the poor. But lately it seems to be getting noticed more, even in Obama's speech he mentioned it saying the middle class has shrunk.  Before, only about 17% of Americans thought it was important the government to fix the inequality gap.  That has risen to about 29%. 49% said there was not much opportunity in the US. From 1993 to 2010, the incomes of the richest 1% has increased by 58% and shows no sign of reversing  Globalization and technological change puts a big damper on the less educated workers who fight against machines and foreign labor. When the stock market plummeted, the rich lost money but then eventually gained it back. Most Americans have lost faith in their ability to get ahead. many believe capitalism cant work without inequality, so we've accepted it. Because the United Sates growth was so fast over a period of time people  the best fuel, but looking at it over a long period of time its not. Inequality may be obstructing Americans shot at a better life. "Progress still happens, but there is less of it. Two-thirds of American families — including four of five in the poorest fifth of the population — earn more than their parents did 30 years earlier. But they don’t advance much. Four out of 10 children whose family is in the bottom fifth will end up there as adults. Only 6 percent of them will rise to the top fifth."Compared to other countries the United States has some of the highest inequality and lowest mobility int he industrial world.  The cost of college makes it harder for middle and low income families to progress. Inequality is also fueling geographical segregation.  Homes of the rich and the poor are growing farther apart and people look for mates in their same range and the marriages of the less educated seem to fail more. The government must first address theses issues before anything can be done about it. 
         I wish i understood politics more, but i really don't like it.  But from my stand point, everything that was talked about in this i see.  My parents both come from middle class families and we are i would guess middle class, if there is one anymore, but even though my parents make decent money (enough to get by) i couldn't get any assistance from the government for college because they make too much, so i am having to borrow money, so ill be in major debt when i graduate.  All i see is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  And the government seems to be ignoring it. There are more homeless young adults than ever.  Even though technology is a great thing, its taking over a lot of peoples jobs and the opportunities for other jobs aren't there.  I think if we looked at what some of the other countries were doing it may help us, but i don't know politics that well.

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