Monday, October 22, 2007

Uganda: Chogm delagates will not see Katwe's poor


Shafic Kagimu lives between the train tracks and a ditch in a mud packed house. His house sits approx. 100 meters from Entebbe Rd.. Which is a main through fare theough the town of Kampala.
It is a newly paved road, some places paved twice so that the queen and other dignitaries to drive through and supposely see the conditions of the largest and most dis advantaged slums. Mr. Kagimu says that approx. 30 to 50 people live in this slum along the railroad bank called Cambodia.
It smmells of human feces and disease. The people who live here are completely ignored by authorities because they fear them. The people who live here are so isolated that they can't get help medical help from the outside when someone falls ill. Children don't get to go to school and youth are arrested in an effort to clean up the streets. Mr. Kagimu fears that Uganda is trying to " landscape it's roundabouts and pave over it's potholes" that the visiting dignitaries are very unlikely to see anything. Residents have decided to stand along the road and shout so as to draw notice to their situation but police protection has increased so they feel their idea will be met with opposition and not be well recieved by authorities.