Max Peck /
That rascally ol’ George Bush was spotted on Wednesday at the
After that, he signed a few baseballs embossed with the presidential emblem then headed off to a more important affair: a state dinner with Ghanaian bigwigs. There, Bush listened to Ghanaian President John Kufour’s speech, in which he was complimented for his attentiveness to West African affairs. According to astute listeners, peacocks also in attendance insisted upon interrupting the many speeches given that day no less than forty-five times.
During Bush’s chirp-sprinkled speech, he mentioned the recent Pakistani presidential elections and the task of curbing the spread of AIDS across
During Ghanaian President John Kufour’s speech, he expressed his dismay that Bush was only staying for two nights. Unbeknownst to him, this is actually quite the long time for Bush to stay in one nation, if you reference the recent past –
The new highway built along a busy route has recently been dubbed “the George Bush Motorway.”
Associated Press
As far as whether Africans normally have multiple sexual partners, this is a generalization that I would really have to see data on to believe. Further, do people in the US or the rest of the world only have one sexual partner in their entire lives? I think it is simplistic to imply that Africans are more sexually active than the rest of the world. Does abstinence really work here, or do we just have greater access to doctors, condoms, and education regarding health issues?
Obviously religion is making Bush even more retarded.
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