Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Climate Change Threatens Human Rights of Millions

Emily Mader/ 20 Feb. 2008/ 10:15pm/ Human Rights

Scientists have stated that the results of global climate change will have such negative effects as to violate several human rights. United Nations officials have asserted that the rising sea levels, intense storms, flooding and droughts could force people off of their lands, perhaps permanently. Experts claim that these effects from global warming will violate the human rights to housing, clean food and water, livelihood and perhaps even life as water becomes scarce, lands are inundated, and diseases and malnutrition spread. They claim that it is the duty of governments worldwide to start making preparations for these inevitable events, such as creating housing and ensuring safe water and food access. If they do not do so, the effects of global climate change could go beyond housing and disease and enter the realm of human trafficking as environmental refugees seek ways to enter safer countries. As of yet, however, the United Nations has not tackled climate change as a human rights issue.

I am really glad that the debate over global climate change has switched from whether or not it exists to how do we prepare for it. Water and food are going to become serious commodities, especially in regions where they are already scarce. I’m really glad that this article and the experts commenting on these issues noted the government’s responsibility in organizing ways to ensure the protection of their citizens. If global climate change is a human rights issue then governments need to address it as such and make efforts to prepare for the hardships ahead.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I think it is a duty for government to begin making arrangments in case of these events. But at the same time, millions of people don't care enough to cut down on using their cars, or saving water, or even recycling. The government should first find a way to enforce laws about conservation. People will not change until the environment leaves them with nothing, forcing them to change, and then the same people will blame to government for not helping them. Government does not save the people, as we can see in history, people rising to the cause is what makes a difference, even at the last moment.