Kelli Mack/ February 13, 2008/ 9:05 pm/ Gender Issues
In Nigeria, there has been an ongoing battle to improve women's rights. Currently female parliamentarians are calling for a participatory approach to making a new constitution. This approach will apply principles of diversity, inclusivity, participation and openness and will strengthen a multi-stakeholder alliance for gender advocacy.
The stated parliamentarians gathered last week for a two day retreat to discuss the gender gaps in the constitutional process. They expressed their serious concern that the exclusion of women from the review process of the constitution is causing a serious vacuum. They believe in the past that gender issues have been strongly neglected in Nigeria's constitutional process and this prohibits women from enjoying full citizenship. This current process cannot fully guarantee peoples needs and aspirations.
At this forum the Minister of Federal Capital Territory stated that he feels the constitution needs to be reviewed clause by clause to ensure that gender gaps are bridged. It was also suggested that an entire desk be created to support women political aspirations across Nigeria's six geopolitical zones. Nigeria is going to attempt to try a bottom up approach and try to rebuild their community with gender in mind from the bottom up.
I think it is great to see a country that has traditionally exploited women start to include them in the constitutional review process. This allows women to have a say and give them more chances to accelerated themselves in the country by having a say in policy making. Overall, this is a huge step forward for this country and I hope that it does good for them.
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