Friday, February 22, 2008

Vinnie Merryman / Feb. 22 9:25am / Labor Problems

Nigeria: Aondoakaa Gives Recipe for Combating Human Trafficking

The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Michael Aondoakaa yesterday explained that unless human trafficking and child labor laws were properly implemented and offenders published accordingly, the fight against such a social menace may become a mirage. At a hearing organized by the House of Representatives Committee on Governmental Affairs, he stated there was an urgent need to properly fund agencies saddled with the duty of fighting human trafficking and child labor. He said the problem of human trafficking and child labor in the country had reached a frightening new dimension and called for proper regulation and review for child adoption laws in the country. Undue advantage of culture, ignorance, and poverty are some of the few major factors identified for leading to human trafficking and child labor. The House of Representatives believes that trafficking in persons and child labor was a multi-dimensional criminal activity that required multi-faceted approach. The House was convinced that the menace of trafficking in persons and child labor was non existent in some developed countries so also it was convinced that the menace can be wiped out in Nigeria if both the government and Nigerians developed the will power to do so. Stakeholders were urged to make presentations directed at providing lasting solutions to the problem of trafficking in persons and child labor, assuring them of the National Assembly's preparedness to take their submission seriously with a view to finding effective ways of ridding Nigeria of modern slavery.
I thought this was a very interesting article and it is nice to see someone, like Aondoakaa try to make an impact in preserving human rights. Human trafficking ahd child labor can't be solved overnight but there has to be a beginning point and it appears Nigeria is lying down the foundation to make a true impact towards human rights.

1 comment:

Vinnie Merryman said...

wrong web page, correct link is