Friday, January 30, 2009

Fayetteville man convicted on child porn charges

Kelly McKee
Friday, January 30th, 2009
12:18 p.m.

A man from Fayetteville, North Carolina was charged with twenty-seven counts of child pornography. Daniel Buczkowski, age 55 years old, was the man involved in this act of crime. The way authorities were led to him was through a computer repair shop. Apparently, Buczkowski sent his computer to this repair shop to get fixed and they found videos and pictures of young children being sexually abused. This same man was charged last May in an alleged rape of a ten your old little girl. He is still awaiting charges from this incident.

I was shocked to read this. I have always been in awe when I read things about sexual predators. It breaks my heart that there are these kinds of people in this world. I don’t think he should have to wait to be charged, I feel like he should be charged as soon as possible so he is not on the streets to do this to another innocent young female. I have always heard that when a child sexual abuser goes to jail the other prisoners look down on them and beat them up, which I agree with. Even though some of the men in jail are in there for murder, I still feel like abusing an innocent child is worse than murder. These young kids don’t know any better but in the long run it will ruin there lives. No child should ever have to be in this situation. My heart goes out to the families that were involved in this case and those who were the victims.


taylor said...

This article shocks me mostly because of the fact that this was only Fayetteville. I'm always taken back when I read articles such as these. I don't understand how anyone can do this to someone. Especially children, they are so young and so helpless.

Adonya Douglas said...

This articles make me sick to my stomach. How could anyone in their right mind do such things to innocent children. This article says a lot about our legal system and how technology is not always such a great tool to have.