Kenya Satchell
April 20, 2009
8:45 P.M.
Women who survive breast cancer for five years after treatment have a relatively low risk of the disease recurring. Even women with the most serious stage of breast cancer have a small risk of the cancer returning if they survived the first five years cancer free. This study generally did not include some newer treatments such as Herceptin and the aromatase inhibitors. Researchers tracked breast cancer recurrence in 2,838 U.S. women who had been cancer-free for five years after initial surgery and radiation to remove the tumor, followed by chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or both. In stage I breast cancer; breast cancer came back after five years in just 7 percent of women, 11 percent in stage II, and 13 percent of women that were treated for stage III. Breast cancer is the top cause of cancer death among women worldwide, with an estimated 465,000 deaths annually, according to the American Cancer Society.
I guess my question is since these studies were done not including newer treatments, should we think these newer treatments will help these statistics or hurt them?! I assume for those who have breast cancer and their families, this small percentage is a great thing because it means they live longer or early death may not be a factor at all. With all these great findings and new inhibitors why is the death rate so high for breast cancer? Worldwide everyone is not getting the same treatment and I would bet some of these women worldwide probably didn’t receive proper treatment before death. As you can see, the study was in 2,838 U.S. women, and I think for a more accurate study we need to take this thing to other nations!
This article seems very encouraging! Also, you bring up a very good point. It would seem that newer treatments would be modernized to prevent breast cancer from returning even more so than the older used treatments. I was surprised by the actual statics that about what percentage of women had cancer return during each stage!
I hadn't noticed before in my searches!
Can I make a suggestion? I believe youve obtained some thing excellent here. But what in case you added a couple links to a page that backs up what youre declaring? Or maybe you could give us something to appear at, one thing that would connect what youre declaring to something tangible? Just a suggestion.
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