Friday, April 24, 2009

Religious Rift Tears at Orissa Communities

Katy Greene
April 24th, 2009

In Kandhamal, which is located in the Indian state of Orissa, the Christian community has been on the recieving end of a huge outburst of violence. They say that it is the worst anti-Christian riot to occur since India gained its independence. In the riots last year, over a dozen people were killed, and many homes and churches were destroyed.
Since these traumatic riots, many familes who lost their homes are now living in with several other families in tents and shacks. No one will hire the Christians a day-laborers, and their children are not able to go to school. They live in constant fear of being attacked, and sleep during the day so that they may stay up to guard their families at night. They have recieved no help from the government, and do not have the proper resources to feed everyone. The Christians are not allowed to return to their homes, as their neighbors will not allow it. The only way they can go home is if they renounce their faith, convert to Hinduism, and drop the charges against those who attacked them.
Peace committees have been founded, however they are full of the people who committed the violence. A lot of international attention has been given to this situation, yet still nothing has been done to help the people. I think that the government of India needs to consider itself responsible for all of its citizens, not just the ones who agree with their views. They have a duty to enforce justice, and allow the Christian Indians to safely return home, as well as prosecute those who committed the violence.

1 comment:

Ashlee O'Connell said...

Personally, I do not believe in religion. I believe in God, but religion is the basis of many wars & this story definitley proves this. Religion is something that should guide lives, not take them. However, we hear stories every day of fights and wars over religion. Why?