Gina Ponzi
March 31, 2009
3:07 PM
The trend with school shootings has spread overseas. A young man named Farda Gadyrov entered the Azerbaijan Oil Academy and shot and killed 12 people, later committing suicide himself. His motive is unknown, although there have been reports made about his strange characteristics. One acquaintance of the killer claimed that he was unusually quite and reclusive, stating that he would leave the house only purchase things at stores. Gadyrov entered the school armed with a pistol and clips of ammunition with a clear intent to kill everyone he encountered. If after shooting a victim they were still alive, Mr. Gadyrov would shoot them again. The Azerbaijan Academy is a prestigious school with alumni including presidents and tycoons.
This shocking report is, sadly enough, becoming almost ordinary. Since the Columbine shootings, occurrences such as these have been rampant, and the motives are nearly always unclear. What would lead an individual to commit such a bloody, violent act against his fellow humanity? I can only conclude that we live in a sad, pathetic world where we conditioned to hold very little respect for the sanctity of human life.
That is a very sad event, and your conclusion, as sad and depressing as it may be, may also be right. I also think, however, that with so many people in the world, there are bound to be those few who would do crazy things like that, and that the majority of people at least don't have the capaibilties do such actions
School shooting always seem to amaze me. I always try to put my self in the shooters shoes and try to come up with some logical way as to way they felt the need to commit such a harsh and reckless crime. This is so sad
This is indeed a very sad story, why anyone would go around killing random people because they have personal problems that they can not deal with is beyond me.
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