Friday, May 01, 2009

Father Who Threw 4 Children Off Bridge Sentenced to Death

Kelly McKee

May 1st, 2009
12:04 p.m.

A father threw four children over the Dauphin Island Bridge after arguing with their mother. Three of the children were his own children and the other was his wife’s kid from a previous marriage. The children were 4, 3, 1, and 4 months old. He was on drugs and depressed and he says those were factors that made him do this to the children. Originally he got a life sentence without parole, but the courts changed their decision after thinking of the children. They said that they children probably felt terror while they were falling since they didn’t die until they hit the water. He now has a death sentence and authorities were told to show him pictures of the children everyday of his life so he can look at their faces and know what he has done.

I can not believe a father could do such a thing to his own children. If he and his wife were having problems they should have worked it out before the kids were involved. I think he got what he deserved, but an alternate sentence would have been to throw him over a bridge and let him suffer like those poor children did. I know that will never happen but he needs to know what he felt like to them. I hate the fact that innocent children were the victim in this because they had their whole life ahead of them. This man should have gotten help for his drug addiction and depression before it lead to this.,2933,518497,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/crime


michelle said...

damn right he's getting the death sentence! I agree with you, he should be thrown off the same bridge that he threw his children off of. I am all for the eye for an eye mentality when it comes to sentencing criminals, as harsh as that may seem.

Amanda O'Donnell said...

i completely agree.. he has no right to live after what he has done.

i know some people dont agree with the death sentence but I mean does this man really have any right to live???

i think not.

Richard Gregory said...

Wow, another article I didn't expect with such a crazy story. That's good that the father got the death penalty because he obviously should not of done what he did.