Friday, May 01, 2009

Women And Men Take Part In China's High-Heeled Running Festival

Kenya Satchell
May 1, 2009
7:00 P.M.

Men and women in China are putting on their pumps for two weeks of intense competition. According to China's "Wuzhou Daily," the town of Nanning is holding their annual high-heeled running festival. Male racers are required to wear heels at least eight centimeters in height, while the women's shoes must be at least ten centimeters tall. The competitors, who are aged between 18 and 55, have to run along a track over 20 yards long while making their way over hurdles. Winners of each event win nearly 150-dollars as well as shopping vouchers. A spokesman for the event says the men more than hold their own in the competition, stating, quote, "Their technique was quite amazing, as despite wearing high heels there were no sprained or twisted ankles."

Since everything else I reported on this semester was so serious, I decided to give you a little entertainment for the last blog. I have no idea what the point of this race is other than $150, shopping vouchers, and a little exercise, but I guess whatever floats their boat! Another reason I chose this as my blog entry is because this week, for some reason, I couldn’t find anything on women! Let’s see if I can tie this into Sociology some kind of way. Well, we know that Chinese women use mushrooms and green tea to keep breast cancer down, so maybe this is a way they celebrate that. They want the men to join in with wearing heels because obviously they can’t get breast cancer, so they experience a little of a woman’s pain in another way.

1 comment:

Laura said...

After reading your theory on it relating to Sociology, has it been considered that the men did it for a reason that doesn't necessarily having anything to do with Sociology? I've read other articles about Chinese men running races in heels in different events. In these articles there were comments on how the men ran the race to show support to their wives and to show them that they understand the aches and pains of wearing high heels. I find that pretty neat; the men don't need a special cause to allow themselves to be seen wearing heels for, they do it out of the goodness of their hearts.