Friday, September 04, 2009

Girl Soldiers Are Neglected Casualties of War

Erika Barnes
11 am

In Somalia, Sudan, the Democratic Rebublic of the Congo and other countries of conflict, there is a growing rate of young girls who are drafted into becoming child soldiers. When the militia groups would come into the villages, they would gather up boys and now girls to fight in the war. Most of the girls are either drafted as a soldier or married off to the older male soldiers, forced into sexual relationships with these soldiers. If the girl refused, just like the young boys, they would be tortured or killed mercilessly. If a girl escaped, since most of the girls were raped by the soldiers, there was scrutiny from her village and family because she was seen as "unpure" in their eyes. These rapes and forced sexual relations causes a large increase in the numbers of STD's including HIV/AIDS. While some girls are forced, some volunteer because they may perceive it to be better than the life they are currently living, or for a means of survival.

I feel that this article is very eye opening, because most people don't think of child soldiers including girls too. The girls in these countries (which are definitely not limited to African countries) are forced into a lifestyle of rapes and killings. As the article stated, because of the multiple rapes these young girls are facing, there's a major increase for STD's simply because of lack of protection. Usually because these girls end up having no one, they feel the need to stay in the war, unless rescued by some refugee program. But unfortunately, there arent enough programs about female soldiers because of the so-called role in society. No one thinks that just maybe these young girls are suffering too. Sadly to say this will not end until more programs are created to begin peace and start demanding change in these countries, instead of letting it slide in order for the government to "save face."


Parris said...

Obviously this is cruel and inhumane. I was aware that they were forcing boys to become soldiers, I did not know that now they are forcing girls. Not only are they raping girls and marrying them off against their will, but now they are forced to become soldiers. It's so unfortunate that they are not given the help that they deserve and the rights to say no.

Courtney said...

Wow I did not realize this was going on. Something needs to be done to help theses girls out. I couldn't imagine being drafted to war in the first place and then having to go through that to just stay alive is just cruel.

Anonymous said...

This article was really shocking to me and I'm surprised that this had not been given more coverage in the media before. A lot of people know about younger boys being recruited into these armies, but I personally have never heard of girls being forced to do this. And the rape just adds to the horror of the situation.

Lauren Auton said...

This article was really shocking to me and I'm surprised that this had not been given more coverage in the media before. A lot of people know about younger boys being recruited into these armies, but I personally have never heard of girls being forced to do this. And the rape just adds to the horror of the situation.

Zeina Mvemba said...

This article really shocks and saddens me. It also hits home with my father being born in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I can not imagine or fathom this happening to one of my own family members, let alone anyone else who has to suffer.

Shelby said...

This is awful. How can people justify the action of making these young girls sex slaves to soldiers and making them fight? When you read these kinds of articles, you learn to appreciate what rights we do have. I certainly do.