Thursday, September 09, 2010

Cholera Outbreak in Pakistan.

Morgan West


Sociology 202

In August, the Indus River in Pakistan breached the banks. This flood was very detrimental, and dislocated twenty million people. Since so much water was released, there have been new outbreaks of cholera. Cholera is a disease that is caused by unsanitary water. It causes severe discomfort such as diarrhea. It is usually frequent in South Asia in the rain season. There has been relief being done in order to try and control the outbreak, but it is hard to give everyone who is ill antibiotics. Rather than the government treating the disease as cholera, they are actually treating the diarrhea as the disease itself. If it is not controlled, southern parts of Pakistan will be threatened and it will spread without any chance of stopping it.

This is a serious problem that needs to be contained now. The floodwaters have created enough problem killing close to two thousand people, and now people have to be worried about cholera. This is such a huge problem, because now all the water that was released is unsanitary, and cannot be cleaned easily. Not only will this outbreak affect everyone who comes in contact with it, but also it will not be easy to cure all of the effected. There is also a problem with the government saying that it is only diarrhea and not cholera. The faster the government admits that it is a problem, the fast it will be fixed and not spread all over the Pakistan country. I think this is a serious problem that needs relief, and need to be acknowledged.

1 comment:

jmholme4 said...

I think the government needs to take a stand and do something about this problem this is very unhealthy and i could not imagine what they are going through.