Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ecological Collapse

Erin Lankford
10:22 PM

Agricultural pesticides are being blamed for declining numbers of bees and birds in Europe. If certain chemicals are continued to be used the result will be an environmental catastrophe. Neonictinoids, which is the dangerous insecticide, leach into the plant, nectar, pollen, soil and groundwater. Insects that collect pollen then die from ingesting the poisonous substance. Research shows that long term damage is being done to the environment with the insecticides contaminating ground and surface water. Birds will begin to decrease in numbers since there will be a lack of insects as a food source. Insects are a key part of the ecosystem with many animals depending on them for survival. The decrease in bee populations leads to decrease in pollination. These

A decrease in the number of bees or birds may not seem like it has a direct effect on us but in actuality they are a key part of the food chain that could eventually collapse due to the poor health of the planet. The good thing is that we know what is causing the problems and therefore should be able to stop them and get bee numbers back to where they should be. Stopping the leaching of chemicals into the earth will help eradicate soil erosion, which contributes to decrease in cropland. The disappearance of a few small animals will eventually lead to a big impact when it comes to food security by disrupting the food chain. Luckily the population has been able to avoid any major collapse of the food system but why should be continue to test it when we know what factors are causing damage. Currently the world produces enough food for everyone, even though it may not make it to all those who need it, but if we continue on the same path then it may eventually lead to food scarcity. Prices are sure to increase and access to food will become difficult to those less fortunate or without proper resources.


1 comment:

Morgan West said...

I hate hearing stories about poor animals being killed. This is a horrible effect of pesticides, and there should be studies to help stop these horrible effects. You are so right about the fact that they are an important part of the food chain. if this is not fixed soon, there could be more problems than people expected.