Friday, November 19, 2010

Pakistani woman sentenced to hanging for "un-Islamic" comment

Oriana Robertson
1:03 pm

After seven long months behind the bars of a Pakistani prison in Itan Wali, Asia Bibi has finally received her sentence: execution. The reason behind this sentencing is as intriguing as her punishment. Asia is one of the few Christian-Pakistani’s in a country that has the third largest population of Muslims in the world. Over a year ago, Asia had been picking berries among other women. A Muslim women made a comment to Asia about how the water that they had been drinking was now contaminated by a non-Muslim. Claims were made about how Asia made disrespectful comments about Islam and belittled the prophet Mohammad. Asia was arrested shortly after on charges of blasphemy as stated in the Pakistani penal code. The code deems the offense punishable by death or life in prison. After a year and three months she received her sentence.

If Asia’s execution were to be carried out, she would be the first person that Pakistan would execute on charges of blasphemy. Neither the teachings of the prophet Mohammad nor the Qur’an call for execution as a punishment for blasphemy, but Islamic scholars and jurist opted for the punishment when drafting the law. The Pakistani government is weary of amending the law out of fear of being said to have “un-Islamic” practices.

Human rights organizations say the government has done little to protect religious minorities against persecution for blasphemy violations. The religious minorities, however, are being denied the right to religious freedom as stated in the Declaration of Human rights. After her appeal and request for bail, if Asia were to be executed, she would be denied her freedom from inhumane treatment or punishment in regards to the hanging that she has been sentenced too. There are many injustices in this case, all due to a mere comment. The Pakistani penal code could definitely use revision to accommodate religious minorities without compromising the Islamic foundations that they were built upon and are so adamant about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not:)