Saturday, November 13, 2010

To save women's lives in Africa, bring abortion out of the shadows

Corinne Knowles
November 13, 2010

I chose this article today because I found a similar one about Mexico earlier in the semester. According to the article, abortion is one of Africa’s biggest threats to women’s health. Over five million abortions are performed every year here and only about 100,000 of them are carried out under safe conditions. Women living in African countries that have not legalized abortion often turn to drinking bleach of inserting sharp objects into their cervix. While this is terrible for the individual woman, it also takes it toll on her community. Unsafe abortions can lead to the woman having serious health problems that may result in her not being able to bare any more children. From an economic point of view, the money it costs the government to take care of these women after they become ill is much more than some of these poorer countries can afford. Some African countries have loosened their restrictions on abortions laws, but fourteen of them still consider it illegal in any situation, even if the women is dying from pregnancy complications.

I am not against abortion but I am not necessarily for it either. I think completely prohibiting abortion under all circumstances is unfair because every woman is different and every situation is different. In class we’ve talked about the raping in the Congo more than once and what those women and girls have gone through. I understand abortion can be an issue of morality, but what about those women who become pregnant as a result of being raped? They shouldn’t have to even consider drinking bleach to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.



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Anonymous said...

When I read that women have resulted to drinking bleach, I was in shock. I have heard of them inserting whatever they have to abort the child. I am not against abortion, but I do not believe it should be an easy way out, or just an option. It takes a toll on not only the women but the family and friends. Safer abortion laws, and classes should be given to the doctors in foreign countries. Also the women should be educated on what they have been doing, and the side effects.

Kelsey said...

I think that it is horrible that women had to drink bleach as a result of the laws in these certain African countries. Not being for or against abortions but i feel that for these women they should have a say in what is happening to their bodies. It is causing problems to the society if the mothers are just getting worse or dying because of pregnancy, or the complication of a unsafe and unhealthy abortion.

mrblock said...

When woman are resorting to such harmful things as bleach and sharp objects to get rid of a baby, this should give the country a message that there needs to be an alternative way of having it done. At least provide a safe way of getting it done. It is risking the increase of their population. when unborn children die its bad enough but when a woman cant bare anymore children because of that unborn child, somethings needs to be done. I am not for abortion but i am pro choice and if a woman wants it done there should be a safe way she can.

Anonymous said...

Making someone drink bleach without telling them what it is doing to their bodies is absurd. I'm not against abortion, I am pro-choice, but this is extreme. This not only kills the fetus, but can cause bodily harm to the mother.