Nate Sykes
Time: 4:50 PM
Environmental Destruction
The Brazilian mudslide(s) that happened on Wednesday January 12, 2011 was one of the worst mudslide disasters to ever hit the mountain towns of Brazil. The death toll has risen above 500 dead and still rising because of many people who are still missing. Most of the people who were affected were poverty stricken and lived in small "rickety shack" house on the tops of cliffs. The lower poverty stricken class was not the only ones affected as some upper class people also lost their houses some maybe even their lives. Hundreds of houses were washed away, cars were gone and clothes littered the streets and because of all the houses that were watched away an estimated 14,000 people were left homeless. The days after the mudslides people were digging for friends, families, and neighbours and some people are still probably digging today searching for family friends or people they knew are still missing. Each day after the mudslides happen more graves were built and more people both young and old were buried as many of them were dug up out of the mud. Conceicao Salomao is a doctor who was/is helping with the relief efforts to give people who were left homeless a place to stay, and to get people food and water and medical attention if needed. Conceicao Salomao wanted to make sure medical attention was available because she was worried about the water born bacterial disease leptospirosis. Some people are still being rescued from the tops of houses because the mudslides surrounded there house but left their house there; But it started to rain again which was slowing down rescue missions.
These mudslides were cause by getting more then 10 inches of rain in 24hours and that was to much for the mud to handle. Some people were killed because they just never woke up because the mudslides happened at 3:00 am that Wednesday morning and others because they could not escape there houses fast enough.
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