On Tuesday during the State of the Union address, President Obama talked about how America should be working on developing clean-energy technology. Obama wanted America to use more Eco-friendly energies such as solar, wind, and other natural resources. He also suggested that America should reduce the out put of greenhouse-gases. He proposed a "cap-and-trade" bill, which pass; though was mention before but didn't pass the House. Obama also suggested that Nuclear power be used along with clean coal, this way with Nuclear Power plants many people can get jobs there. "The president has put a lot of stock in clean energy when it comes to job creation, and it's an area where there might be some room for bipartisan movement in this Congress," says Tony Kreindler. Many other companies are joining Obma's idea that companies should have more cleaner policies. A sheet was made by the White House to help put our clean energy at 80% goal, which requires renewable sources in the power-generation mix. Obama's bill also stated that big companies that emit a lot of gasses into the ozone will have to reduce their annual output of green-house gases. Though many people say it will be hard for Obama to up hold this new bill as Robert Stavins, director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program, clean-energy standards says,"would be less effective than a comprehensive cap-and-trade approach, would be more costly per unit of what is achieved, and yet, ironically, appear to be much more attractive to some politicians who strenuously opposed cap-and-trade."Along with a clean-energy standard, Obama also called for more spending on clean energy R&D,by giving the Oil companies $4 billion more in taxes. The "cap-and-trade" bill passed is a good thing as it helps with the development of new cleaner fuel sources using technology, which will create newer job opportunities for many people.
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