Thursday, February 17, 2011

Slow but Sure Environmental progress in Cairo

Michelle Yazvac

17 February 2011
Blog #5

Whale hunting has been a problem for many years due to the fact that these animals are endangered. Every season whale hunters in Japan would go to the Antarctic and hunt 700 to a thousand whales every winter season. These whales are then brought back and served within restaurants. Another reason behind the capturing of these animals is so scientists in Japan can do "research." Activists claim that is a sham just to cover up their continual process of hunting them. 
Japan is at a bad place right now economically and by sending ships out to the Arctic costs so much money that they know they can't use right now. The captain of Sea Shepards, activists against whale hunting, claim that this is an industry that has no purpose in the 21st century and is therefore dying out. It's a waste of time and Japan is receiving so many threats towards their annual go at this process. They know they cannot take these threats anymore either because of conservation reasons they are facing and many organizations against what they are doing.
Now they are considering halting this annual hunt permanently which will be a huge step for the activists that have tried for so long to make the danger towards whales stop. I am personally glad that this awareness of the Japanese has taken place. This is a moment of change needing to take place.

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