Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Women's Suffrage in Egypt: Blog #9

Alycia Clark


9:31 pm

On March 28th, the Human Rights Watch sent out a message to Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, concerning the elections that are approaching. The details of the message are to try to ensure that women are equal participants in the elections, and the redevelopment of the country. Not only should women be guaranteed equal rights in the election as participants, but also the female citizens who chose to vote should have protection. This has been an issue, because women had no vote in the recent amendments to the constitution. And in those amendments was a provision that implied that only men would be able to run for office. To make it more ambiguous was the fact that there was no definite statement, about the equal rights of men and women.

Nadia Khalife, a Middle East and North Africa women’s rights researcher at HRW said, "It is unacceptable for a constitution that is supposed to allow for a transition toward democracy and a new Egypt to even give the possibility of excluding women from public office," and she is completely right. Although the when thinking of the Middle East, the thought of “the woman’s place” comes to mind, If they are changing to become a free democratic nation, it should be free for everyone. Although equality conditions for women have improved in recent years, with few women holding public offices, it is nowhere near the standard it should be. Women who do hold these offices are often harassed and beat in the streets, which should be forbidden, or at least punishable by law.

Granted, baby steps may need to be taken, and by no means do they need to follow a “conventional” western model, but the simple rights to be safe from public abuse, and the right to exercise power if fit, should be guaranteed in this day and age.


1 comment:

Laura Brewer said...

It's good to see Egypt is making steps toward progress for everyone.