Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog #2: Sweden's 'marriage lite' gets closer examination

Marriage was once viewed by many as one of the requirements of having a family. Today, cohabitation has become another option for forming a family. Some people see it as a new pre-requisite for marriage, while others view it as a substitution to marriage (known in Sweden as ‘Marriage Lite’).

Cohabitation has affected statistics related to marriage both positively and negatively. Reports show that nearly 28% of couples are cohabitating in Sweden and 8% in the US. Marriage rates have dropped by approximately 50% in the US over the last 40 years, partly due to the increase of couples cohabitating rather than marrying. Divorce rates have also been on a constant down fall in the US for the past 30 years, yet increasing in Sweden.

Everyone that divorces or chooses not to marry has their own reason. Some see marriage as a long-term commitment that is hard to get out of. Most people that view marriage this way would rather cohabitate because it is easier to get out of than trying to divorce. There are always options to help couples prevent divorce or build a better relationship that can lead to a trusting and successful marriage, it’s up to the couple if they want to put in the work.

The decision couples make in the US and Sweden, whether it be to work toward/ through a marriage, or avoid it all together, it will continue to affect divorce and marriage rates. The more people cohabitate, the lower marriage rates will become. On the other hand, if couples do not decide to use the resources provided to work through their marriage, divorce rates will continue to rise in Sweden and take a negative turn in the US. Both statistics will always depend on how couples view marriage and what they are willing to do to make them work.

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