Thursday, September 06, 2012

Blog #2: Drought in India Devastates Crops and Farmers. Tara Rudo. 9/6/12.

Tara Rudo, 8:37pm
Global climate change has led to many issues around the world, and India is currently facing the problem of drought. The World Meteorological Organization has said that climate change is “projected to increase the frequency, intensity and duration of droughts.” Monsoon rains, which usually occur from June to October, account for much of India’s freshwater and with the annual monsoon season down 12 percent in India, many farmers are in trouble. Prolonged dry spells make it difficult for certain crops to grow and so Indian farmers aren’t making an adequate income. While farmers may not be able to grow certain crops, India is not facing a possibility of widespread famine. Millions of tons of rice and grain have been stored in a response to the food price increase in 2008. The lack of water has contributed to a rise in food prices and much of India’s poorer population struggle to afford. Another problem that has risen from the lack of water is that the power supply has decreased due to lack of water in many of India’s dams. This article has shown me that climate change can trigger one event (droughts) which can trigger other problems in nations (power outages, increased food prices). It was alarming to also hear that much of India’s budget on water projects for irrigated farmland had been wasted by the government. Yes, only a small amount of India’s income is through farming but this dry monsoon season has clearly led to other various problems. Droughts are not only common in India, but in other countries that depend on crops for money such as the United States, Russia, and Brazil. Increased greenhouse emissions by humans have contributed to climate change and if we reduce those emissions, climate change may slow down but most of the damage has been done and this cycle of prolonged dry spells will continue. 


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