Friday, October 05, 2012

blog 6, Children From Black Families Exposed to More Background TV.

The name of the article that I read was called “Children From Black Families Exposed to More Background TV.” This article was about television and children. There have been studies done on the effects on children that watch too much television. Recently, a study was done on African American families and television. The study showed that African American children are watching five and a half to six hours of television a day compared to other races at four hours. They said most of these black families are those of low income and single mothers. These families can also have parents that are less educated. They also talked about the dangers of the television on in the background. They said that when the television is on in the background it can still be detrimental. There were several problems that could come from this. One thing was “low sustained attention during play time.” Another thing was “low quality parent-child interactions and the last thing was reductive performance on cognitive tasks.” The best thing they said to do was to limit television as much as possible,such as television during meal and bed time.
I really like this article, because this is such an important issue. There are so many poor families that put their children in front of the television for some down time. So many of them probably do not know that too much television is not healthy. Putting this information out there can help them with these issues. Five and a half hours of television is way too much television for children in one day. Children should only watch two hours of television a day including video games. They should spend more time playing, so they are getting adequate exercise. One reason I believe that this is common among black poor families is, because the lack of resources. These parents do not have the means to put their children in extra curricular activities, which can lead to more time in front of the television. I really liked this article.


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