Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Blog 1: China Invests Heavily to Increase Number of College Grads

Different than most education systems as the United States and nations in Western Europe, China has restricted higher education to a limited number of elites.  As times within decades have created social shift, China has invested in a $250 billion plan to create opportunities for everyone to receive a “proper” education. 

Though this plan has many positive attributes, there are still kinks that need to be thought out. Because China is such a necessity nation in the industrious world, economists fear that hob opportunities will not be available for graduates, as they are limited here in the States.  According to the article, “Much depends on whether China’s authoritarian political system can create an educational system that encourages the world-class creativity and innovation that modern economies require, and that can help generate enough quality jobs.” 

Nevertheless, the fear of structural barriers such as systematic corruption, inefficient state-managed monopolies in industry could very possibly occur. It is believed that the economic success to be shown worldwide will make the plan all worth it in the long run, if so. 


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