Friday, February 01, 2013

Blog 1: On-going Debate about Gun Control

    Right now, all over the world gun control has sparked a debate and everyone seems to have an opinion. The Washington post reported about the hearing in Washington DC to the senate about gun control. The article highlights former congresswoman, Gabrielle Gifford. Her plea to senates to “be bold. Be courageous” that something needs to be done. She is rebuilding her life after a what was suppose to be a day supporting her community at a local grocery store before Jared Lee Loughner shot her and 18 others, killing six and leaving her with a partially blind eye and paralyzed in her right arm. After the forum, the article reports that it became likely that an expansion of background checks for gun buyers and a proposal for federal assault weapons-ban. The odds look like universal background checks will come into effect because it is a proven step to reduce gun violence.

    I think when it comes to gun violence, that the government is doing the right thing so far. They are not making any irrational, quick decisions just because it is a hot topic. President Obama said before the inauguration that there would be changes made, and it was a priority. Having forums, debates and even just discussions by both parties on ideas and concerns on how to move forward is the best way to make a decision that will have some impact. It will be interesting to see over the next few months what will happen in regards to gun control with the rest of the world. Will other countries be revising gun laws as well? If America’s gun law’s change, and prove effective by the next UCR, will we see other countries coping the proven effective laws? And will this bring down the international crime rate?


Deborah Hilton
11:31 AM

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