This article is mainly about France wanting to decrease prostitution while making it legal. In the early part of the article, it discusses why prostitution is such a problem. It's because prostitution has grown from being a profession "freely exercised", to a forced job. Pimping is the growing cause of this forceful increase in statistics. This article also discussed how the women involved in prostitution are mostly victims, since a study showed that 8 out of 10 are controlled by prostitution networks.
I think this issue is related to my topic of inequality because of how women are being treated. Prostitution i snow being viewed as a violent act against women due to the face that many of these women are foreign, undocumented, and threatened with crime. I feel as though this is a problem of inequality between men and women because their relationship is characterized by the domination of men over women.
So really the fuss about legalizing prostitution is due to the fact that France wants to do it on the down low. Prostitutes are allowed to work but the measures against them are making it harder to be a prostitute. IN al it's essence, its okay to be a prostitute but they can't say so otherwise it's soliciting. So opposing women who want to earn a living being prostitutes goes against their fight for women's rights.
Kayla Gammie
12:56 am
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