Thursday, February 07, 2013

Blog 2 In air pollution fight, China may start by tackling soot

In the article, “In air pollution fight, China may start by tackling soot” written by David Fullbrook who wrote about the scale of air pollution in China and how the rate of the air quality in China is deteriorating at a very fast pace because of black carbon or also known as soot. Fullbrook stated that if black carbon is not damaging the lungs then it is disrupting the climate. Fullbrook stated that black carbon have two ways to fuel global warming. The first one way is that black carbon heats up when exposed to sunlight. The second way is that since black carbon is like most dark substances, it absorbs rather than reflects light. Black carbon also causes solar energy to be converted to heat because when it falls to the ground it reduces the reflectivity of the planet. Fullbrook also stated that two-thirds of black carbon comes from coke production, brick making, diesel fuel, and household coal. Because of poor production methods and widespread use of coal, China is the No 1 source of black carbon.

I totally understand what David Fullbrook is trying to say about the pollution in China and the effects it can have on the air quality and I agree with him because in his article he wrote about one factor that can cause the effect of global warming which is black carbon. Black carbon can cause all kinds of problems like damaging one’s health or damaging the earth’s atmosphere. Majority of black carbon are produced from China’s factories like coke production, brick making, diesel fuel, and household coal which they pollute the air by releasing it into the air.

5:25 PM
Charles Vang


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