Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blog 3 Chagas Disease Costs U.S More Than Better-Known Ilnesses

Chagas disease may sound unfamiliar but it cost the world more than better-known diseases like cervical cancer or cholera. In a study published in Lancet Infectious Diseases, it was calculated that Chagas cost the American economy nine hundred million a year. According to the article “ Chagas disease is caused by a trypanosome parasite transmitted by the the bloodsucking “kissing bug”, which bites victims as they sleep. The disease is mostly found in Latin America, Central Mexico and Northern Argentina. But the “kissing bugs” have also been found in the southern United States. As many as ten million people may be infected. The authors estimate that the global burden of Chagas is around seven billion a year, compared to the economic burden of cervical cancer which is below five billion. Dr. Peter J. Hotez stated “ knowing that Chagas is a serious economic threat could push policy makers to spend more money on developing vaccines against it.”

Before reading this article, I had never heard of Chagas disease, but the disease affects so many people. Even though billions of dollars are already being spent, I feel that money should continue to go to research on the disease. Eventually vaccines will be discovered and that will in the long run decrease some of the costs to treat patients who get Chagas disease, and thus it will eliminate some of the economic burden. Also more people should be educated about Chagas disease so the spread of it can be decreased. If we decrease spending on Chagas I feel it will harm our economy in the future because more and more people will become infected thus requiring additional care and increasing the economic burden.

Bria Gill
4:09 PM

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