Saturday, October 05, 2013

Blog 4 Africa bears 24% of global disease burden — UNFPA scribe

Africa has less that 11 percent of the world population yet it contains 24 percent of the global burden of diseases. Osotimehin, the old health minister for Nigeria wants to lower the death, disease, and poverty rates in Africa. He urged the leaders to discuss the health issues that are facing Africa. It was said that 450 females from Africa die daily while giving birth to children. The female death rate in Africa accounts for 50 percent of preventable death in the entire world. Eighty percent of the countries with the highest rate of child marriage in the world are in Africa. Young pregnancy is the leading cause of death in young girls.  As a solution to the problem, Ostimehin suggested that leaders increase the funding to take a stand against poverty and address issues that have an effect on both the young and the poor population. Among those issues was inequality among genders. Ostimehin said that females needed to exercise their rights and empower themselves.
When I read this article I think back to the first chapter in our book. Specifically, I think about the modernization and the dependency theory. From the book, I learned that the dependency theory states that poor countries may face exploitation, domination, and economic distortions at the hand of richer countries. I believe that this theory applies to Africa because it is an economically poor country that is not as modernized as other countries and it has already faced exploitation in the past. Although the land itself is rich, a large percentage of people that live in Africa are poor. Without modernization and access to the medicines and education that other countries may have, the death and disease rate is increasing. I also thought about the norms in Africa. If it is normal for young adolescents to have children in Africa, the deaths of young females may also be seen as a norm to people that live in Africa.

Khadijah Tucker 

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