Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blog #2: Better Bath Rituals Is One Way Bangladesh Is Saving Its Newborns

  This article is about saving newborns lives in other cultures and countries that are ill-informed about proper care for the delivery process and a brand new baby. The article zeros in on how across the world a child's survival is a lot like a lottery, the factors are based purely on chance. The chance of where the child is born, if the family has money, and the ethnic background of that child. A report by Save the Children looked at survival rates in 87 low-middle-income counties, and found that 78 percent of countries, efforts to reduce mortality have left out at least one ethnic group or economic class. They are pointing out that there are many efforts made, but groups of people are stilled unreached about this problem. Dr. Ishtiaq Mannon works with the government to train health care workers to help mothers in undeserved districts safely deliver their babies, to educate about how to care for a new born. The funding comes from the U.S Agency for International Development.
  This article focuses on Bangladesh, and how they have made efforts to educate and teach the people in this community how too better the health of their babies. Bangladesh still sees 129,000 deaths of children under 5 each year, over the last two decades, mortality rates have fallen from 144 deaths to 41 deaths per 1000 births. In Bangladesh they have had too overcome so many obstacles in order too complete the mission they are striving for. Some of the obstacles are breaking traditions, finding a way to get better access to health care officials, introducing technology. One tradition that was a harm too the newborns was that they bath the baby first thing and then leave it on the floor while they cater to the mother. They had to teach the people that it was causing sickness and death to the babies, and that the babies needed to be dried and wrapped up immediately. They have faced so many challenges, but have introduced great things like technology, too further communicate with people who would otherwise not know at all. Although they have not accomplished their total mission they have come a long way, and are continuing to close the gap of deaths in children under the age of 5.

Anna Hunsucker
12 February 2015

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