Friday, February 15, 2008

Australian's Unemployment Rate Hits Record Low

Shamia N Irving Friday February 14, 2008 1:41am

The Australian Bureau Statistics released information which stated that Australia has seen a dramatic decrease in unemployment. The employment rate jumped from 26,800 to 10,631,000 in January. However full time employment decreased and part-time employment increased. The unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been since 1974. However, it is sad to say that the male unemployment rate decreased and the female unemployment rate increased. The number of people who are also looking for full-time jobs have also decreased. Many of the people that are unemployed are only unemployed seasonally, however in areas where mining is popular the unemployment rate is on a rise and has been for the last month.
I think this article was a good surface article. It didn't really go into detail about why there are more men employed than women. It would have been nice to know some of the underlying factors as to why the unemployment rate is the way it is. However I'm glad that as a whole it is going down. Whether it's full time or part time, a job is a job and it's sometimes if not always better to have one then none at all.
Too bad we can't say the same thing about the USA!

1 comment:

Moon said...

It's good that the employment rate is up. It's bad that it is in part time sectors instead of full time employment. From the way the article reads, it looks like many of the jobs are seasonal, implying agricultural work. Australia needs a stable, year-round job market - not a seasonal one.