Thursday, April 23, 2009

Colorado Man Convicted of First-Degree Murder of Transgender Woman

Kelly McKee
10:31 a.m.

A man named Allen Andrade was charged with first degree murder after killing a transgender woman. Andrade met Angie Zapata hours before he murdered her by beating her to death. He said he lashed out without thinking; he just wanted to get another transgender person off the streets. He states “it wasn't as if I "killed a straight, law-abiding citizen." He considered Angie Zapata has being gay and got upset when he found out. While in jail waiting for his hearing he referred to her as “it” to his jail mates. The girl was only 18 years old and was born into the world as Justin Zapata, but after becoming transgender he became Angie.

I have always believed that a person can live the life that they want to live and Angie did not get to live the life she wanted to live. If she wanted to be a girl then so be it, I look down on people who judge others for something they strongly believe in. I know that homosexuality is looked down in this society but if that is how a person wants to live then let it be. Allen Andrade could have just walked away when he found out she was a transgender woman, and that is what he should have done, not beat a young woman to death. It is said to think that someone in this world cannot be who they want to be. That is one thing that I was always taught as a little girl, to always be who and what you want and don’t let anybody change that in you.,2933,517501,00.html


michelle said...

"He states “it wasn't as if I "killed a straight, law-abiding citizen.""

WHAT?! that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever read. just because some one isn't "like you" doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be treated with respect. He wanted to get a transgender person off the streets...what he really should have done was get himself off the street. people like him are the problem, not people like Angie.

gina ponzi said...

I agree that murder is murder, regardless of the victim's ethnicity, sex, age or circumstance. We live in such an age of the absence of absolutes, yet murder is universally considered as wrong and immoral. I'd like to pose the question: Why?

Katy Greene said...

I think that Andrade's actions are despicable. It makes me so angry when people feel like they are superior to others based on their values. Killing someone because you disagree with their values is ridiculous.