Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Scientists discover a nearly Earth-sized planet

22APR 09

European researchers have identified two planets which give them great hopes of finding a life supporting planet in the future. Most known planets are of the large exoplanet variety which are usually too big and too hot. Gliese 581e is the smallest exoplanet found thus far and is roughly about 1.9 times the size of Earth. Unfortunately it is positioned close to a nearby star which would make it too hot to support life. Its neighbor, Gliese 581d, was found to be located within a prime habitable zone but will most likely be too large, and lacking the rocky earth like features desired. A habitable zone is a region around a sun-like star that would allow water to maintain its liquid phase on the planet’s surface. Approximately 350 planets have been discovered outside our solar system but most are either too hot or too cold to harbor life. The detection method should also be noted, a special instrument on a telescope that splits light to find wobbles in different wavelengths, which ultimately reveal the existence of other planets.

The detection of earth-like planets that may have the potential to sustain life is very exciting news. The implications of finding another life supporting planet could offer us a future that was once only possible in the science fictions comics of yesterday. Although neither of these two planets are exactly what we would expect for a new human sprawling grounds, it does lead to the expectation that there will be many more planets that might be an earth like equivalent. Finding a new planet to occupy would certainly be one solution for an ever expanding population but the apparent negative potential should also be considered. It could be the joining force to unite all nations with a common goal, or the next new land to conquer, pitting nations against each other (to win). It could also be the next new world monopoly. One can only hope if a life sustaining planet is discovered that all the wisdom gained during Earth’s history will guide an intelligent occupation based on social well being.;_ylt=At0crdRuiBn3RAW6GBSnxREPLBIF

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