Friday, April 17, 2009

Marriage of Young Girls in Saudi Arabia

Trisha Butterworth
April 17th
An 8 year old girl in Saudi Arabia has gone through the courts two times now about her marriage to a man 50 years older than her. The court system denied nullification to the marriage both times. They said it was okay for them to be married as long as the man did not have sex with the girl until she was at puberty. Our officials say this is an unacceptable violation of rights, but that it is not our business what goes on in their court systems. Even many in the country believe that it is a violation of the child’s rights to allow this, especially at such a young age. This poor young girl was sold to the man so her father’s debt could be cleared. It is human trafficking of this young girl. The Justice said they they are passing laws that will stop parents from marrying off their minor children; but many people say they talk like this all the time just to get the news and critics off their backs, nothing will change.
I think this is awful. Its not that we haven’t heard of this before, because we do, its just that it is so hard to know that people still think this is okay. I cannot believe court systems actually believe it is okay for an 8year old to be with a 50 year old. Even if the girl was 15, its just not right. And for them to say its okay because they said he cannot have sexual relations until she is at puberty, is crazy. Who knows what he is doing to her at their home when no one else is around. I think it is also horrible that parents sell their children just to get more money or make their lives better. It is making the life of their child miserable, and just in debt themselves. I know that it is their culture and what happens there is their own thing, but it just doesn’t seem right, and wish that there was more people from the US could do.

and also here:,2933,515664,00.html


Brittany Walker said...

After reading this article I was very disturbed. I can't believe that the court system would allow a 50 year old male to be married to an 8 year old girl. I am even more suprised that the parents would use their child for the better of their well-being. Not only should the court system feel guilty but the parents should be a shamed of their actions and I believe serious consequences should be put into action.

Anonymous said...

This is extremely sad. I was looking for a current event for school and found this. Its revolting and i pray for those children suffering.=(