Thursday, April 16, 2009

Netanyahu Calls For Recognition

Jessica Rogers
Thursday, March 16, 2009
11:34 pm

When speaking to President Barack Obama about prospects for peace in the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, stated that in order for peace between the Palestinians and the Israeli’s, “Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state before two states can be created for two peoples.” The talk of peace between these two religious groups has been going on for years, so a new approach was needed in order for this to be a reality. The end goal of these new ideas is most definitely a separate, Palestinian state, but the safety of Israel and the Jewish community needed to be assured first. Netanyahu also believes that Israel’s economy must improve and be secured before beginning the ideals of Palestinian state hood. So, the first building block on the road to peace is “economic peace.”

I agree completely that something has to be done to promote and begin peacemaking between these groups. Yes, the Palestinians need to recognize Israel as its own state with its own religion, but that also includes doing the same for Palestine. It takes two tango, and the same goes for peacemaking. If one group does most of the negotiating and decision making, then obviously not everyone will be happy and more disagreement will ensue. I do think that it is a good decision to make sure the economy is stable enough for this break, because if either of the groups begin an individual state with an unsecure foundation, the state will not last.

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