Sunday, May 03, 2009

Anatomy of an `inside' ambush in Iraq

On February 24th, 2009 United States soldiers and Iraqi police had sat down for lunch inside a police building in Mosul. Flak jacket vests and other protective gear were removed. A door to the same room was left open and open just enough for a barrel of an AK-47 rifle to be aimed through the opening. The person holding the rifle was an Iraqi police officer still in his teens. He opened fire during the meeting which killed one United States soldier and his interpreter. Five others were wounded in this attack. This was a inside job and the gunman and the vehicle that carried him away to safety are still at large. This single attack reinforced what many fear, insurgents and sympathizers possibly infiltrating the ranks of Iraq's security forces.
Another example was presented on Saturday. An Iraqi soldier killed two American soldiers and wounded three at a combat outpost south of Mosul. The attacker was a soldier who also served as a Sunni Muslim preacher for his unit.

This article is perfect for my final current event. This one article sums up what I have been trying to present as my main theme. I have been trying to show the insecurity, danger, and hostility our armed forces are going through. This just shows that you cannot trust anyone and also how corrupt the people are that our soldiers are trying to deal with. It is amazing the progress they have made so far but it shows there is a lot more to go. I personally hate reading articles such as this one. This is not a way to fight a war to me. We are limited in every way to what we can and cannot do. These people are relentless and have such a mentality that we may never break or change them. Hopefully in the future things will change.

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