Friday, May 01, 2009

Cyprus Peace Talks Face Dual Threats

Lauren DiCiaccio
May 1, 2009

Peace talks in Cyprus have hit a wall with opposition from both sides and a growing concern over economic threats and instability. The island of Cyprus, located in the Mediterranean, has had an ongoing conflict between the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. Currently, the island is split into two zones, in which the groups co-exist in relative peace. While some are fighting to reunite the island, others want Cyprus to be split into two sovereign states. The Turkish army invaded Cyprus in 1974, leading to the split of territory and the current population living there today. However, fears have arisen about a division into two states about other ethnic conflicts between the Cypriots and other groups of foreigners.

I found this article interesting because it is one of the few zones in Europe where the United States has peacekeeping troops. While the Cyprus conflict is not particularly well known, it is important for regional politics and especially plays a role in integrating Turkey into the EU. However, outside of Europe and the Mediterranean, the conflict isn't widely known. In my opinion, a two state system might not be the worst thing, given the populations now, however, I am opposed to the initial Turkish invasion of the island.

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