Friday, May 01, 2009

Swine Flu In Mexico City

Richard Gregory
May 1, 2009
4:05 PM

The swine flu is not just affecting everyday people but now some high authority people are coming down with the swine flu such as Manuel Camacho Solis who was the former mayor of Mexico City. On that same day, Mexico released a statement saying that 18 people have already died of the same flu that he had. The next paragraph goes on to talk about a government conspiracy as some citizens say that the Mexican government could’ve don’t something sooner to prevent the spread of the disease and all the lives this disease has taken. With schools are being shutdown in Mexico, more than 33 million students are not getting their education for right now. Movie theatres, churches, and stadiums are also being closed for the time being. A church in Mexico City also brought out a statue of Christ onto the streets as a symbol for that people are praying for others to get better. The end of the article is the scariest, as a man who chose to not give his name says that doctors in hospitals are being told not to record deaths as swine flu deaths.

Swine Flu has been a very interesting topic to me because they say things are always get worse during economic downfall and this sure proves that theory right. This disease is very scary thought because it is moving so rapidly. A few days ago I checked and no states around NC had any cases of the disease and now South Carolina and Virginia have cases of the disease so this worries me a little. I’m just glad that doctors and scientists around the world are all coming together to help America, Mexico, and any other countries bring this disease to an end.


Amanda Worley said...

What's shocking is that we all are at high rick once the flu is detected in NC. Just look around a room and see how many people have their hands on their chin or swiping over their lips, perhaps itching their eye or scratching their nose. What’s worse is how many of us don’t wash our hands before eating. We touch so many germs and we are defiantly at risk!

Juan Miranda said...

I personally think that the press is exaggerating about the pandemic. A lot of people die every year of regular flue, but that doesnt get as much attention. Also it is important to know the possible relationship between the origins of this flue and Smithfield Far, the biggest producer of pork in the world.The way that they handle the porks in their farm, under the terrible conditions is a great reason why all these viruses are being developed....

Kenya Satchell said...

That's some BS! Doctor's and government officials should have to give up their positions for not giving us the proper information. This is not affecting just a few people, and there have been possible findings of this right here in NC. It's a scary thing because now when you cough, you gotta wonder if you have the Swine Flu!

Keyanna said...

This is just an update on your article but there are two probable cases of the swine flu in N.C. There is one in Wake county and the other I think is in Ainslow County. No matter where you are globally we are at a stage five pandemic so everyone needs to be cautious. You can protect yourself by taking simple precautions such as washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes, and going to the doctor as soon as you begin to feel ill.