Friday, May 01, 2009

Father Throws 10 Month-Old in Boiling Water on a Dare

Michelle Commiskey
May 1, 2009

Last week in Taiwan, a father severely burnt his 10 month-old daughter. Huang is a 47 year-old noodle factory owner. He is also known as an alcoholic. He had been out drinking with his buddies when he returned and got into a fight with his girlfriend, and his baby’s mother. Lin was holding the baby in her arms when a dare or bet came about of throwing the baby into the wok of boiling water. Huang did exactly that. Lin was in a state of shock but managed to pull the screaming child out of the water, but she was already 90% burnt. Lin rushed to hospital.
“A doctor described the baby’s pain as ‘being slashed by a thousand knives’, and almost 10 times worse than labor pains.”
The girl dies 3 days later after multiple organ failure. The mother states “It was just too painful for her”.
I can’t believe a father would do that to his child. Even worse, when police turned up at his factory, he was cooking noodles as if nothing had happened! He blames his terrible action on having “a drop too much” to drink.
Before anyone even points fingers at the mother, I doubt what she said was as simple as “I dare you to stick our child in that boiling water”. A more probable statement would be something more like “If you are going to act this irresponsible, you might as well boil our child”. She never expected him to do that. She did it out of anger, trying to prove a point…and in a way, it did. Huang is not responsible enough to raise a child. He is an alcoholic and now responsible for killing his own daughter. He didn’t deserve the title “father”.

pictures and story


Amanda O'Donnell said...

wow, this is unbelievable... its crazy what parents can do to their children sometimes.

I mean the dad may have been drinking and thats horrible but what was the mother doing while her husband tried to kill their baby girl

Richard Gregory said...

Wow, this article I was not expecting. That's just disgusting to read something like that would actually happen and hopefully both those parents go to jail for murder.

Keyanna said...

Wow! The father deserves a hard sentence and should know how it feels to be burned by boiling water! The mother needs some kind of evaluation because she did not try to prevent this! Just terrible on all accounts.

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