Friday, May 01, 2009

Kenyan women ban sex over political reform

Shermunda Lawrence
Activists in the East African nation are urging women to withhold sex for a week to protest the growing divide in Kenya's coalition government.
This campaign was organized by G-10, an umbrella group for women's organizations. It called on the wives of President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to join the cause.Odinga's wife says that the government,"need to focus on the things that affect our people, and I hope the publicity from this campaign will raise awareness on those issues. Some husbands say, "Seven days is just too much," where other are saying,"Seven days is nothing..I can wait a year."
People in Kenya have become increasingly frustrated by a shaky coalition government formed in the wake of the post-election violence that killed more than 1,000 people in 2008. A government official decried the campaign, saying Kibaki has always been committed to reform.In addition to targeting politicians, activists say, the campaign aims to draw spouses into the conversation and nudge them into demanding change.

Faith Karimi


Lauren DiCiaccio said...

I read this news article previous to this post, and I thought it was a little foolish, but then I read the reasoning behind it, and it made sense. One of the women leading the ban said that sometimes the best thinking came during pillow talk, so there might be an opportunity for more people to talk about the problems facing Kenya while they're not busy having sex.

Richard Gregory said...

I think that the concept of this idea is better than the how the idea will actually play out. Sex is a stress reliever for most people and if people aren't happy only more problems will arise.