Saturday, May 02, 2009


Andrecious Clark


The mother of a 17 year-old girl who disappeared while on spring break in Myrtle Beach South Carolina was seen on a surveillance camera in a hotel and confirmed by the mother’s eyes. The girl was last seen Sunday in Myrtle Beach. Dawn Drexel the girl mother told CNN she forbade her daughter to go in the first place. So forth the mother arrived in Myrtle Beach to assist the police in finding her daughter. The mother feels some of the stories don’t match, in the video she was seen leaving the hotel to go to another to meet up with friends, which was on Saturday, and then wasn’t seen anymore. The police did a 40 mile search, the check with restaurants and everything and still no signs of her daughter. No one knows where she could be, I don’t want to say she doesn’t want to be found by her mother, because before she got missing she was still talking to her mother, although she was forbidden to go and did not listen. I don’t want to come off wrong or wish anything bad on people, but children should listen more to their parents. Parents have gut feelings about things that may happen when their away from home. Some parents are over protective buts it’s in our best interest, but some of us fail to listen and things like this happen. My prayers go out to her family and friends.


Randy Williams said...

I think this is possibly the worst thing that could possible happen to a parent. I could not imagine this happening to my family or how I would feel if I had a daughter and she went missing. I feel sorry for these parents and can only hope she is found unharmed. If not the people who harmed her should be punished to the maximum allowed...

Kirstie Stofanik said...

I agree when you say that young adults should pay more attention to thier parents but I also feel that she was just trying to have fun. Unfortunatly things turned to the worse and I too hope for the best in this situation.