Saturday, May 02, 2009

Zippy electric motorcycle

Trey Brown

Energy efficiency and the lessening of Co2 output has been becoming more and more of a concern for the people of both this country and the world but finding a easy and fun way to do it has been an even bigger concern. Zero Motorcycles is a company based out of Santa Cruz, California that has made great steps forward by creating the Zero S electric motorcycle. Its electric engine ensures greatly lessened Co2 output by any concerned person willing to ride it. Also despite it being built around an electric motor the Zero S has great acceleration up to a top speed around 70 mile per hour and only weighs 225 pounds. There are a few draw backs to be found though. Because it is new technology it is still tagged with a fairly high initial price (near $10,000 before the in U.S. tax credit or Cali rebate) as well as a high prices for replacement parts (a new battery costs $5,000).

By entering low emission technology into an area like transportation that is a concern for people worldwide, Zero Motorcycles is ensuring the advancement of low emission environmentally friendly technology. The worry that electrical supplies will become more dependent on emission heavy fuels because of things like the growing electric motor craze isn’t unfounded. Yet it would seem that any technology that helps to wean the general public away from environmentally unfriendly behavior is a plus. More and more ways to create electricity are being found and maybe that combined with cleaner transportation will keep our environment safe and able to support future generations to come.

Link to Article

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