Saturday, May 02, 2009

UK combat ops end in Iraq

Keyanna Spears
UK combat operations end in Iraq
After six years, the UK has decided to call it quits and pull out of Iraq. The 20th Armored Brigade took part in a flag-lowering ceremony with the U.S brigade to honor their efforts in the Iraq War. John Hutton (the secretary of defense) was quoted saying “I think when history is written of this campaign, they will say of the British military: We did a superb job.” There were ceremonies held to honor the soldiers from the UK as well as a memorial wall that “featured the names of the 234 UK and foreign troops and civilians who lost their lives under British command in Iraq.” Lt. Col Chamberlin mentioned how he and his battalion have been working on how to leave Iraq secure, and happy. The president of Iraq thanked the UK and said that they have helped liberate his people from the worst type of dictatorship. The UK began their official pull put last month in southern Iraq in Basra. The soldiers who have been pulled out of Basra was said to have left Basra in a different state than it was when they came. The city’s population has severely declined and their infrastructure is severely devastated. Also, the Iraqis left in Basra are afraid that the American troops who will take place of the UK soldiers will be more aggressive towards them.
I am glad to see that the UK has taken the initiative to pull out. This gives the American people more hope and motivation that our troops will be coming home soon.


Andrecious Clark said...

My prayers go out to the families of the dead soldiers, but its good to see some good came out of this war, by relieving dictatorship in Iraq or at least helping with that problem.

Kirstie Stofanik said...

I agree with Andrecious when it was said that although there have been so many negative comments with this war it is good to see something positive taking place.