Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Critically Endangered Tigers

The tiger’s survival in the world is currently completely dependent on human aid, such as conservation efforts, park guards, etc. Tigers will become extinct in the wild without help, and the World Bank is now stepping in, in hopes of providing that support. Robert Zoellick, the bank’s president, plans on meeting with 13 tiger range countries later this month to begin an extremely ambitious plan to save the world’s few remaining tigers and their habitats. Also, leading tiger scientists and conservations are lobbying to protect the tiger’s few remaining breeding populations. Tiger populations have fallen drastically in the wild in a century. A hundred years ago, there were over 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now, there are around 3,500. Three species (Javan, Bali, and Caspian) tigers went extinct in the last century. The South China tiger, which has not been seen in the wild in over 25 years, is also thought to have gone extinct. The conservation parks that now hold the remaining populations are comprised of a mere 7% of their former range! Part of this rapid depletion of the species can be attributed to the tiger’s popularity on the black market. Tiger parts, as well as pelts sell for large sums on the black market. Poachers are an incredibly big problem. They are in high demand for traditional medicinal purposes, as well as decoration –their pelts have become coveted by the wealthy. Tigers are also facing starvation in the wild. They do not have enough territory or prey. Because of all these factors, tigers will most likely be considered critically endangered very soon. That’s the last stop before endangered in the wild, and then extinct. The leaders hoping to help the tigers build up their populations once more aim to double wild tiger populations by 2022. This is a part of the Global Tiger Recovery Program. The World Bank is focusing heavily on wildlife, as to not leave “forests silent.”

I feel that this was a very informative and well-rounded article. It gave information from many perspectives. The tiger’s endangered status is a social problem as this is a matter of preserving our world for our children, and theirs to come. This affects all people. Keeping our wildlife alive and well is a serious matter. This is also a social problem in that the Global Tiger Recovery Program will only be successful if entire societies are educated, and taught the value of the environment and preservation.


Makedatiye said...

It's interesting because people don't understand how important it is to keep our ecosystem well rounded. We may not understand the effects that the environment could suffer from losing one type of animal which could than lead to the extinction or overcrowding of another species.

Corinne Knowles said...

Not trying to sound completely heartless, but I'm not too worried about tigers being endangered. I don't think we should be focusing our time and money towards tigers around the world when we have starving kids here in Greensboro.

Victoria Phillips said...

I think that these endangered species are important to the balance of the ecosystem. There is a circle of life and if one part disappears, it sets off the balance of the rest of the circle.

Anonymous said...

Good Article

Anonymous said...

Good article. Thank you.

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Flame said...

I must say I am a big fan of Tigers and now I am thanking you because without this information I would never have known about how severe this issue is. Thank u for taking time for caring about the tigers. :)