Sarah Ogletree
12:24 PM
The energy field has been waiting for Congress to pass a climate bill that would offer incentives for carbon capture and storage (CCS), as well as put a price tag on emitting carbon. Companies like Powerspan have developed a technology that’s able to retrieve the carbon from power plant emissions. However, considering Congress has yet to pass a bill, companies like these are left waiting. The idea in Washington (one thing people do seem to agree upon) is that climate legislation will not come up until at least the 2012 election. The United States has certainly put the plan on hold; however companies are now turning to Europe and China. These countries are ready now. The problem with areas not being willing to talk climate bills now is that without the money that would result from this, it will be difficult to get the needed funding to implement mass alternative energy across the country. With all the questioning and skepticism surrounding the “clean tech” movement it’s hard to believe companies are still around. Leaders of these companies attribute their perseverance to their passion. They truly believe in what they’re doing, and they won’t stop until everyone else does as well.
This article presents a social problem in global warming. Global warming and climate change will/do affect us worldwide. This is something that we will have to confront as a global society. The article itself is well written, and presented from many view points.
I really like the idea of "clean tech" but I think it can be kind of unrealistic. We are going through resources faster and faster each year.
I understand this opinion completely. It is true that were going through resources faster and faster. However, I feel that we as a society have to make as many change as we possibly can if we are going to be effective. If we can make our use of energy greener, as well as our use of technology, we will be on the way to a more efficient world. Green technology is certainly not the solution to our many environmental problems, but it will help the situation as a whole.
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