Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Mother of All Exams- Indian Culture

The Joint Entrance Exam of the Indian Institutes of Technology is an exam that Indian boys have taken for many of years and it could determine the rest of their lives. According to the article it is such a big deal in the Indian culture that it is considered on the first acronyms that Indian boys learn. Nearly half a million boys took this exam and they are only competing for about 5,000 spots. Almost all citizens agree that this exam is far too hard and that something should be done to reduce the competition. In order for this to be done the Human Resource Development Industry is going to devise a plan for a new test to come out that would govern the admission process of several engineering institutes, including the famed I.I.T.’s. The nature of the new aptitude test, which is expected to debut in 2014, would be different from the J.E.E. The selection procedure, too, would be very different from what the I.I.T.’s use today. So, the type of person who enters the I.I.T.’s in the future may be very different. Opinion is divided on whether the new I.I.T. graduate will be better or worse than current alumni. 

This article was very interesting to write about because I have never heard of this type of exam in the Indian culture. From reading the article I gathered that the IIT was for upper class, literate families and it determined their success in life. Unlike the SAT, which some colleges don’t require anymore, this test is studied for over years and years and it could make or break an adolescent male’s life. I agree with the author in the statement he made that they should make a new test over the IIT. A statistic was shown that only 1 in 50 people crack the exam. It takes much coaching and practice to even begin studying for this exam, and I believe that if you’re a bad test taker one exam shouldn’t make a difference in your life goals.  

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