Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog #12: America's obesity and diabetes epidemic: Junk food kills

A public health crisis has established in America as we are becoming dominated by fast- food restaurants. Every day over 75 million Americans damage their health by eating unhealthy foods from fast- food restaurants. “Forty percent of American meals are now purchased and consumed outside the home, typically consisting of high-calorie, low-nutrition items such as soft drinks, French fries, and low-grade meat, laced with fat, cheap sweeteners, pesticide residues, chemical additives, and salt.” This is becoming an increasing problem as more and more people are becoming obese and more at risk for deadly diseases like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. The survey estimated that one in every three children born since the year 2000 will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime. Diet related diseases (such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease) are now the nation’s number one health problem. These diseases generate about $150 billion in health care costs every year. Nutritionists have stated that millions of youth and adults have actually become addicted to the chemically enhanced junk food served in fast food restaurants. The amount of money spent on fast food by Americans has increased dramatically in the past couple decades. 
As many Americans live very busy lives it is understandable that so many people resort to fast food when they do not have the time to cook and prepare a meal themselves. In order to limit the amount of people relying on unhealthy, fast-food meals, I think an alternative should be created. More “healthy” fast- food restaurants should be created so that people who are too busy to cook can still have a healthier choice than Mcdonald’s or Wendy’s. The new restaurants should encourage more organic foods rather than greasy, fatty foods. I think this would reduce the amount of people relying on fast food and would also reduce the obesity rates. Also, I think the health guidelines of the existing fast food restaurants should be tweaked. Something should be done to make the foods less fatty and bad for people to consume. As over 60 percent of Americans are labeled as overweight and obese it is a social issue that needs to be resolved. If less people are eating only fast food meals, the amount of people at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diet related diseases will be reduced. 

1 comment:

Janee Jonassaint said...

I myself have fallen victim to fast food spots. I go because it is convenient and an easy access to a quick meal that I do not have to cook. I agree with you though. Restaurants should offer organic foods and more healthier foods. Giving people that option might change the intake on the fatty foods such as french fries, and hamburgers. 150 billion dollars is a lot of money to spend on health care costs. Something has got to give.