Friday, February 01, 2013

Blog 1: Homophobic Bill in Russia

On January 25, 2013 388 of the 390 members of the Russian Duma voted in support of revising the draft of a bill that would ban "homosexual propaganda". The Duma called for a revision on the clarity of the words “homosexual” and “propaganda”, however, if this bill eventually passes it would result in fines on individuals and organizations that participate in "promoting" homosexuality to minors under the age of 18. This draft has portrayed a message to the public that has sparked violence towards the LGBT community including shouting discriminatory slurs, sending death threats through social media sites, throwing objects, and beatings. In one case, anti-protestors threw a woman to the ground and began kicking her. In a similar incident a man was thrown to the ground and beaten, and later was hospitalized due to a concussion.
Discussion of the bill had been delayed until May this year, and still requires three more readings, and a signature from the president before it is passed. Nevertheless the effects for the LGBT community will surely continue, and even more devastating consequences will arise if the bill is passed.
            It is so disheartening to hear of such hate and discrimination towards a group of people, and really makes me wonder why these anti-protestors think they are better than any other group of people. It especially makes me wonder why they think they are better when they display so much violence and brutality. They argue that they want to protect their children from homosexuality, but never think that maybe they should protect them from the violence and brutality they are flaunting. Education and exposure to homosexuality has proven to have no negative effects for children, yet discriminatory and violent acts create many dangers. I hope the social movement these LGBT protestors are fighting for begins to gain momentum and turns these homophobic views flat.


3:16 PM 02/01/2013
Stephanie Symonds

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