Thursday, November 07, 2013

Blog 9: Vatican Ramps Up Effort to Stop Human Trafficking

According to The National Post's Rachel Browne, the Vatican has been putting a lot of effort into raising awareness for the fight against human trafficking. There was a weekend event held by the Pope with its goal being to chose the Church's plan of action against this mass issue. One proposed solution is to ratify the Palermo Protocol, which is produced to provide awareness. The overall outcome was the decision to instruct the Church on how to battle this issue, especially focused on Canada. While battling human trafficking was first brought up by the Vatican in 2000, it has since lacked any initiative within the Church. Many are excited that the Pope is taking action and speaking out, as much of the awareness raised within the church is done primarily by females. It has been announced that there will be more anti-human trafficking events hosted by the Vatican and throughout the Catholic Church in the following years.

This article among others published throughout this week show the growing interest being taken in human trafficking throughout the world. Movements are being made by not only the Catholic Church, but also by other religious groups and non-religious groups. It is most intriguing to me that the Pope is taking a stand, as this is one of few statements made by males in regards to human trafficking. Oftentimes activists groups are composed of primarily or led by women. Seeing men, and power holding men at that, jump on board is a huge step in fighting human trafficking. As stated by Moira McQueen, executive director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, “I hope there’s a trickle-down effect…from the Vatican’s message. Most people don’t know the facts about human trafficking [so] awareness and action is needed." I completely agree with her statement. Without powerful leaders getting on board with the anti-human trafficking campaign, no progress will ever be made.

Caroline Califf

November 7th, 2013

12:11 pm

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